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GE2020 results: PAP wins Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC with 67.26% of votes over SPP

GE2020 results: PAP wins Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC with 67.26% of votes over SPP

[UPDATED: 2.50 am]

Results for Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC for GE2020

People's Action Party (PAP) 67.26%
Singapore People's Party (SPP) 32.74%

The People's Action Party has won Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC against the Singapore People's Party.

PAP received 62,853 votes while SPP received 30,594 votes.

The People’s Action Party is leading the Singapore People's Party in Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC for GE2020, according to the sample count.

PAP currently has 67 per cent of the votes, compared to SPP’s 33 per cent.

The PAP team consists of Dr Ng Eng Hen, Chee Hong Tat, Chong Kee Hiong and Saktiandi Supaat, while SPP's candidates are Steve Chia, Williamson Lee, Osman Sulaiman and Melvyn Chiu.

The sample count has been a strong indication of the final result in past elections.

It is derived from 100 random ballot papers from every polling station in the constituency, taking into account the weightage of each polling station.

Sample counts have a 95 per cent chance of being within four percentage points of the final count.

As this is a sample count, the election result could be different. Counting is still in progress.  The public should wait for the announcement of the election result by the Returning Officer, Mr Tan Meng Dui, which will be broadcast ‘live’ on television.

Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC became a four-member constituency this year after Marymount was carved out.

This general election sees PAP pitting itself against SPP in the constituency for the third time. The constituency is a PAP stronghold, with Dr Ng running for his fifth term as MP.

This is also SPP chief Chia's first time running in the GRC, after the party announced a candidate line-up without former chief Chiam See Tong or his wife Lina

Bishan-Toa Payoh has 101,366 voters.

In the 2015 general election, PAP won the GRC by 73.59 per cent against SPP.

This article will be updated with the final result when it is announced.

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