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Strengthen your relationship: Top 10 marriage counselling services in Singapore

Strengthen your relationship: Top 10 marriage counselling services in Singapore
PHOTO: iStock

Maintaining a strong and healthy marriage is a journey filled with ups and downs. When challenges arise, seeking professional guidance can make all the difference in the world. Fortunately, Singapore offers a range of excellent marriage counselling services designed to help couples work through their issues and foster stronger bonds.

Strengthening Families Programme@Family Service Centres

The Strengthening Families Programme@Family Service Centres (FAM@FSCs) offers face-to-face counselling services where clients can meet with a counsellor individually or as a couple.

These services are open to Singapore Citizens, Permanent Residents, or individuals with a Singapore nexus, defined as having a family member who is a Singapore Citizen or a Permanent Resident.

During the initial session, an intake assessment is typically conducted to understand the client's situation better. Based on this assessment, the counsellor will provide recommendations regarding the counselling format.

The number of recommended sessions and the specific focus of subsequent sessions will be tailored to meet the individual or couple's needs. It's important to note that all counselling sessions at FAM@FSC are free.

In addition to in-person counselling services, FAM@FSC also provides online counselling options. Some clients choose online counselling for its convenience and anonymity it affords.

These online services are also provided free of charge. The counsellors at CPH Online Counselling possess the expertise to assist individuals dealing with marriage, divorce, and parenting challenges. 

The Relationship Room

The Relationship Room, a distinguished provider in Singapore, specialises in marriage counselling, couples therapy, and relationship counselling. Their seasoned team, with over 10 years of experience, has worked successfully with numerous individuals and families, offering marriage intensives and marathon couple therapy for lasting transformations.

They excel in helping couples recover from infidelity, betrayal, and extramarital affairs, creating a safe, non-judgmental space for emotional navigation.

Through tailored counselling, they guide couples to rebuild trust, enhance communication, and find a path to forgiveness and intimacy renewal. The Relationship Room remains dedicated to restoring hope and reigniting marriages.

Address: 1 Raffles Pl, Level 19-61 Tower Two, Singapore 048616
Phone: +65 8850 6068

Incontact Counselling & Training

Incontact counselling in Singapore, led by two experienced psychotherapists, empowers individuals, couples, and families towards growth and positive change. Their diverse experience and deep community engagement set them apart, allowing them to work with private clients and multinational companies.

They emphasise the importance of mental hygiene while recognising that there's no one-size-fits-all approach to mental health.

Incontact's psychotherapists tailor solutions to individual circumstances, whether it's an individual counselling session or a mental health webinar, and they are proficient in multiple languages.

Their expertise spans a wide range of issues, including social problems, workplace challenges, mental health concerns, LGBTQIA+ support, trauma, and sexual assault. Incontact offers a comprehensive array of counselling services, including couple, pre-marital, marital, discernment, and divorce counselling.

Address: 7 Maxwell Road #04-04, Annexe, B MND Complex, Singapore 069111
Phone: +65 9134 8147

All in the Family Counselling Centre

At All in the Family Counselling Centre in Singapore, experienced marriage counsellors and therapists offer marital counselling services designed to improve relationship dynamics for both married and committed couples. Their approach aims to address conflicts, enhance sexual and emotional intimacy, and foster better communication.

By integrating Dr Gottman's Choice Theory and Attachment Theory, couples can witness significant improvements in a short span, typically requiring only four to six  sessions.

For those facing resistance from a partner, attending relationship counselling individually can still be effective in initiating positive change within the relationship. The centre emphasises the importance of taking proactive steps to enhance relationships rather than waiting for the partner's consent.

Address: 60 Paya Lebar Rd, #11-06 Paya Lebar Square, Singapore 409051
Phone: +65 9030 7239

ReSTART Counselling for Wellness

Lauren, a professional counsellor and accredited parenting coach, is dedicated to making a positive impact on people's lives. Her journey began with a simple goal of helping her child become happier and more confident, leading her to discover her true passion in helping others.

Lauren believes that despite life's challenges, choosing a perspective filled with happiness and confidence is possible. Through her guidance, she empowers individuals to transform their attitudes and viewpoints, affecting their emotions and actions.

With extensive experience working with people from diverse cultural backgrounds, Lauren specialises in marriage counselling, assisting couples in reigniting their love and maintaining lasting relationships.

She encourages couples to rediscover what initially brought them together and helps them explore strategies to nurture and sustain their connection. Her message is clear: don't give up on your relationship; instead, find ways to rekindle the love and commitment you share.

Address: 73 Ubi Rd 1, #07-62 Oxley BizHub, Singapore 408733
Phone: +65 9631 7316

Emotional Wellness

At Emotional Wellness, for their counselling approach, they adopt a holistic, evidence-based methodology to support clients' well-being.

Their sessions blend cognitive education and emotional healing techniques, focusing on uncovering the root causes of presenting issues for inner growth and external change.

They utilise experiential methods to address past emotional wounds effectively. Additionally, they work on influencing the subconscious mind to bring about enduring transformations in their clients' lives. This approach aims to provide comprehensive support and lasting results.

Address: 545 Orchard Road Far East Shopping Centre, #04 11B, Singapore 238882
Phone: +65 9832 4947

Insightful Counselling

In the realm of couple and marital counselling, it's recognised that while marriages may be conceived as celestial unions, they require continual earthly efforts to maintain their vitality. Couples, too, can encounter relationship challenges when complacency sets in, neglecting the nurturing of their bond.

These issues may manifest as trust deficits, communication breakdowns, intimacy and emotional disconnection, recurring conflicts, breaches of trust through infidelity, emotional, physical, or psychological abuse, response to physical/mental health diagnoses, significant life events, or differences in culture and social integration.

In addressing these concerns, professional counselling offers guidance and support to rejuvenate and strengthen the relationship.

Address: 10 Raeburn Prk, #03-01, Room: GH33 088702
Phone: +65 8328 7060

Yusri Yusoff Consulting | Islamic Counselling

Yusri Yusoff Consulting offers Islamic counselling services with Ustaz Yusri, who boasts over two decades of counselling experience and a strong background in Islamic studies. His approach combines modern counselling techniques with guidance from the Quran, Sunnah, and lessons from the Sirah of Rasulullah s.a.w.

His extensive involvement with institutions like the mosque, Syariah Court, Registry of Muslim Marriages (ROMM), Office of the Mufti (Muis), Religious Rehabilitation Group (RRG), and prisons has broadened his perspective to assist clients from diverse backgrounds, including youth, married couples, and individuals with unique challenges.

Client confidentiality is a top priority, and intervention plans are collaboratively developed to address clients' specific needs.

Clients can opt for either in-person counselling sessions or virtual sessions via Zoom, each lasting between 45 minutes to 1.5 hours, tailored to the complexity of the cases. Yusri Yusoff Consulting is dedicated to helping clients overcome their challenges and encourages individuals to reach out with any inquiries or to schedule an appointment.

Phone: +65 8949 4642

Safe Space

Safe Space™ provides a holistic mental health solution, seamlessly integrating online and offline therapy sessions and various supportive resources.

This innovative system facilitates swift connections between patients and therapists, allowing patients to access therapy services anywhere in the world.

With the convenience of booking appointments and managing treatment courses at their fingertips, individuals can utilise Safe Space™ through a desktop and a free downloadable mobile app.

Safe Space™ boasts a rich library of mental wellness resources, offering valuable guidance for maintaining one's emotional well-being.

Additionally, therapy webinars are available to assist individuals in effectively managing their mental health. For those needing extra support, Safe Space™ offers online therapy sessions, catering to individuals who may be especially vulnerable and seeking professional assistance.

LoveTalks Counselling

LoveTalks Counselling Singapore specialises in individual and family counselling, boasting a team of experienced counsellors and a network of professional psychologists. Their primary aim is to assist clients in navigating their challenges and fostering meaningful relationships with their loved ones.

Their counselling sessions are designed to:

  • Provide insights and clarity: Clients can expect to gain valuable insights and greater clarity regarding their issues.
  • Customised plans: LoveTalks counsellors collaborate with each client to develop tailored plans that align with their unique goals.
  • Promote growth and self-discovery: Through counselling, individuals can achieve personal growth and self-discovery, contributing to enhanced overall well-being and improved relationships.

ALSO READ: Can stress affect your chances at getting pregnant?

This article was first published in theAsianparent.

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