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Move aside Jamus Lim, Reform Party's Charles Yeo has his own line of merchandise too

Move aside Jamus Lim, Reform Party's Charles Yeo has his own line of merchandise too
PHOTO: Mediacorp/video screengrab, Singaplex

After warming the cockles of our heart with Jamus Lim-inspired merchandise, the folks at Singaplex clearly don't think that we Singaporeans are over election fever yet. 

And their focus has turned to the other arguable breakout star from GE2020 — Reform Party's Charles Yeo, who captured our attention in a very different way from Dr LIm. 

His Mandarin speech during the constituency political broadcast was the talk of the town the day after, with a whole slew of memes and jokes created. 

And his "star power" doesn't seem to be fading as he has conducted Instagram Live sessions with his followers and even has a subreddit set up in his name.

And now to add to the list, there's merchandise inspired by Yeo for sale, designed by Singaplex.

The most memorable phrases used in his speech, Chinese idiom "cheng he ti tong" and "jian cardboard", have been spun off into hoodies, t-shirts and phone cases.  

The ChengHeTiTong X Champion shirt is designed so subtly that if you blink you'll miss the phrase that's printed across the chest in a font that identical to the Champion logo. 

The ChengHeTiTong Cross "White" hoodie takes cues from Off-White's signature stripes and quotation marks, with a cheeky cardboard box and an 'X' that marks your vote. 

We think that the phone case is the perfect way to see how many of your friends can actually read the Chinese characters.

After all, Yeo has taught us that just because you got an A2 during the 'O' levels doesn't mean that you retained everything that was taught in the classroom.   


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