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The gentle birth method: Here's what pregnant mums need to know

The gentle birth method: Here's what pregnant mums need to know
PHOTO: Pexels

Bringing a new life into the world is a profound and transformative experience, and the journey of childbirth is as diverse as the individuals involved. In recent years, a method known as "gentle birth" has gained popularity among expectant parents seeking a more holistic and serene approach to labour and delivery.

What is the gentle birth method?

The gentle birth method is a childbirth approach that focuses on creating a calm, positive, and empowering environment for both the birthing person and the baby. This method emphasises the physiological and emotional well-being of the mother, aiming to reduce stress and fear associated with childbirth.

Unlike traditional birthing practices, gentle birth encourages a more active role for the birthing person, empowering them to make informed decisions and actively participate in the process.

A brief history

Dr Marie Gowri Motha, a renowned holistic obstetrician and the mind behind the gentle birth method, introduced this approach in the early 1980s. Dr. Motha's method integrates Eastern and Western philosophies, incorporating elements of yoga, meditation, and visualisation into the birthing process.

"Giving mothers something they can do to prepare is empowering. I firmly believe that the baby knows how to be born and that it's up to the mother to prepare and relax her body," she said.

This childbirth method has since gained recognition for its holistic approach that encompasses physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of childbirth.

Why is gentle birth popular?

In recent years, the gentle birth method has gained popularity as more people seek alternatives to conventional medical interventions during childbirth. One reason for its popularity is the desire for a more personalised and intimate birthing experience.

Well-known figures like Gisele Bundchen, Jessica Alba, Gwyneth Paltrow and even the Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton have publicly shared their positive experiences with gentle birth, bringing attention to this approach. Their stories have contributed to changing perceptions around childbirth and inspired many expectant parents to explore alternative birthing methods.

The method resonates with those who value the mind-body connection, aiming to create a harmonious atmosphere that supports the natural birthing process.

Gentle birth method during labour

When it comes to labour and delivery, the gentle birth method creates a harmonious atmosphere that's all about positive vibes and empowerment.

Dr Motha's approach encourages active participation from the birthing person, incorporating elements like yoga, meditation, and visualisation to ease the journey. The focus is on minimising stress and fear, fostering a serene environment that promotes a smoother birthing process.

Gentle birth vs hypnobirthing

So, you've heard about gentle birth and hypnobirthing, and you're wondering, what's the deal? While both methods aim to make the birthing experience more serene, they have their own unique twists.

Dr Motha's gentle birth method combines Eastern and Western philosophies, involving elements like yoga and visualisation. It emphasises an active role for the birthing person and a holistic approach to childbirth.

On the flip side, hypnobirthing, inspired by the work of Marie Mongan, delves into the power of hypnosis and deep relaxation techniques to manage pain and promote a smoother delivery.

In essence, gentle birth leans on holistic practices, while hypnobirthing is all about tapping into the mind's calming potential. So, whether you're team gentle birth or hypnobirthing, the goal is the same — a positive birthing experience tailored to your vibes.

Benefits of gentle birth method

The following are some of the reasons why mums are leaning towards this method:

  1. Reduced stress and anxiety: The gentle birth method focuses on creating a calm environment, reducing stress and anxiety for both the birthing person and the baby.
  2. Empowerment: The method empowers the birthing person to actively participate in the birthing process, making informed decisions and feeling more in control of their experience.
  3. Faster recovery: Advocates of gentle birth claim that the method can lead to a quicker recovery postpartum, as the body experiences less trauma during the birthing process.
  4. Bonding: The emphasis on a serene and positive atmosphere promotes bonding between the birthing person and the baby.
  5. Natural pain management: Gentle birth encourages natural pain management techniques, such as breathing exercises, visualisation, and relaxation, reducing the reliance on medical interventions.

How to have a gentle birth

Sounds promising? Have a chat with your OB-gynaecologist about the possibility of adopting the gentle birth method throughout your pregnancy up to labour. Nevertheless, integrating certain aspects of it into your lifestyle could potentially enhance your overall birthing experience.

A note to working mums

If you're a career woman who is interested in gentle birth, you may want to start slowing down and taking it easy at work. According to Dr Motha,

"A mother should step out of her normal life for a few weeks or months before giving birth, as working until the end puts extra strain on the mother and baby. Working causes stress, which can cause elevated levels of the stress hormone cortisol in the mother and also cause stress in newborn babies.

Change your lifestyle and give up work as early as possible. Then the body will relax and produce more helpful hormones like relaxin, endorphins and other placenta hormones."

We're not telling you to quit your job anytime soon, as some jobs are more demanding and stressful than others. Perhaps you can start by checking in with your stress levels and taking things at your own pace. Talk to your employer about your maternity leave and the possibility of temporarily relieving you of some responsibilities as you get ready for the upcoming delivery.

A healthy diet is essential

"The physical body needs to be fed in the best possible way," says Dr Motha.

Gluten [a mixture of proteins found in some cereals] is not useful for the tissues, as it clogs everything up. Go wheat-free, sugar-free and gluten-free as soon as possible — and certainly for the last four weeks. Maple syrup can be used as a substitute for sugar.

You can eat lots of rice, corn and quinoa-based foods and, of course, vegetables, fish and meat. Have one meal per week of whatever you like, though, because it's not good to deprive yourself completely.'

If this change feels too intense for you, you can take baby steps by choosing some items that you can easily incorporate into your meals. Make sure you're eating a balanced diet and a wide range of other foods, particularly fruit, vegetables and foods containing calcium.

Power of positive thinking

Perhaps one quick way to incorporate gentle birth into your pregnancy is by changing your mindset. According to Dr Motha,

"When people start eating correctly and being relaxed, nature helps them to become more confident. Then the body begins to feel well and the baby follows automatically."

Prenatal yoga is a cool way to connect with your changing body and be more mindful of its growth. Also, keep tabs on your thoughts — it's better to focus on what you want than stress about what you don't. Dive into positive birth stories and chat with your gynae about your birth plan for good vibes all around. You can also ask them about hypnobirthing.

Additional tips

  1. Education and preparation: Educate yourself about the gentle birth method by attending classes, reading literature, and understanding the principles behind it. Preparation is key to a successful gentle birth.
  2. Choose a supportive birth team: Select healthcare professionals who are supportive of the gentle birth approach. Discuss your preferences and create a birthing plan that aligns with the principles of the method.
  3. Practice relaxation techniques: Incorporate relaxation techniques such as meditation, visualisation, and breathing exercises into your daily routine to prepare for the birthing process.
  4. Create a positive birth environment: Set the stage for a gentle birth by creating a positive and calming environment in the birthing space. Consider elements like lighting, music, and aromatherapy.
  5. Embrace active birthing positions: During labour, explore different birthing positions that feel comfortable and natural for you. Movement and positions that work with gravity can facilitate a smoother birthing process.

As with any birthing method, it's crucial for expectant parents to thoroughly research, prepare, and choose an approach that aligns with their values and preferences.

In a world where birth experiences are as unique as each tiny human, the gentle birth method stands out like a beacon of serenity. It gives expectant parents the tools to navigate the magical journey of childbirth with calm confidence.

So, whether you're vibing with yoga poses or envisioning the tranquil birth of your dreams, the gentle birth method is like a soothing lullaby for both you and your soon-to-arrive bundle of joy. Talk to your doctor about incorporating this method in your pregnancy journey and welcome your little one into the world with all the gentle grace you deserve. You've got this!

ALSO READ: Understanding abdominal tightening during pregnancy: Causes, concerns and relief

This article was first published in theAsianparent.

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