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Xiaxue and RP chairman Charles Yeo trade below-the-belt sexual insults on Instagram

Xiaxue and RP chairman Charles Yeo trade below-the-belt sexual insults on Instagram
PHOTO: Instagram/@xiaxue; Facebook/Charles Yeo

Fresh off a bout with the woman who led an online campaign to cancel her, Xiaxue is now embroiled in yet another public spat — this time with a politician who’s just as infamous as the social media influencer. 

Charles Yeo, the 30-year-old chairman of the Reform Party and frequent commentator of local social affairs, took to Instagram Stories to speak on the case involving Elouise Quek, who recently issued a statement of apology to Xiaxue for organising a demonetising campaign against her. 

Calling the 36-year-old blogger a bully and an “irrelevant joke”, Yeo’s diatribe spiralled into abuse as he belittled her physical looks, age, and the perceived absence of men who’d want to sexually fantasise about her. 

The man who stood against the ruling People’s Action Party (PAP) during the General Election earlier this year also took issue with Xiaxue’s political beliefs. It has been known that she is an ardent supporter of the PAP — among other political figures

'The good old days'

Xiaxue quickly responded on Instagram Stories — but instead of being insulted, the blogger was highly amused over the “old-school misogyny”, which she says she hasn’t experienced for some time from her haters. 

Saying that it was something that really made her day, Xiaxue took delight over how Yeo’s slanders reminded her of the abusive remarks she faced “in the good old days of the internet hater”. 

She likened Yeo to the people who slammed her when she revealed her support for the PAP during the halcyon days of her blog.

“The people who disliked me are exactly like Charles Yeo — they are angry ugly guys who are probably not getting any sex. They are on Hardware Zone, talking about who they are masturbating to,” she laughed. 

Xiaxue stated that she’d rather handle misogynistic comments rather than “woke people”, whom she called “rather preachy”, condescending, hypocritical and use too many buzzwords. 

“I much rather read opinions about me like Charles’ because at least it is simple and to the point… rather than 1,000-word essays about intersectionality and internalised racism and privilege lol,” she wrote. 

She then used her subsequent Instagram Stories to publish which female influencers that Yeo finds attractive, according to the past posts he has liked. 

In response, Yeo announced that he would be holding a Facebook livestream to discuss why Xiaxue and other PAP supporters “do not want woke culture or accountability”. Which he indeed has. 


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